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How Trimming Trees Can Create Natural Shade in Your Yard

A beautiful tree can offer abundant shade during the spring and summer. Did you know that you aren’t only limited to the natural growth pattern of a tree? Using trimming services, you can create unique shade spots that enhance your yard and give you more functional space in your yard.

Here are some current trends in tree trimming that can help maximize shade and give you more shady spots.

Canopy Sculpting Creates Foliage Density

Pruning and trimming go hand-in-hand when it comes to creating dense shady spots. Canopy sculpting involves trimming and pruning specific parts of the tree’s canopy to achieve maximum foliage density. This leads to better shade with fewer sunspots. It can even encourage growth in a particular direction to provide coverage where you want it.

Layer Canopies With Multiple Trees

One tree might be wonderful, but a group of them can give you a mini orchard that offers abundant shade. What’s more, planting the trees close enough that their canopies overlap in strategic positions will give you maximum coverage and provide excellent shady spots throughout the warmer months.

One way to maximize this strategy is to hire tree trimming services that target the top layers of taller trees; this can lead to more sunlight filtering through the upper canopy, creating multiple layers of shade and a beautiful dappling effect.

Create Shade Along Surfaces With Espalier Trees

Espalier trees are trees that have been trained to grow along a flat surface like a wall, fence or trellis. Professionals alter tree branch growth patterns to ensure they stay healthy while staying along the surface they’re placed against. When it comes to creating more shade against a wall or other surface, espalier trees can be a striking natural use of landscaping.

Grow Your Trees Over a Pergola

Pergolas create shade and visual interest in a backyard, and trees can further enhance their impact. Selectively trimming trees can allow you to create natural shade with leaves and ivy that offer predictable patterns of coverage beneath the pergola.

Directional Trimming for Improved Shade

The natural growth direction of your trees may not offer the level of shade you’d like. The good news is that there are plenty of ways tree trimming can easily improve coverage. Directional trimming allows you to shape the growth of a tree; trimming toward the southern and western sides of the tree can improve shade during the hottest parts of the day.

Get Expert Tree Trimming Services

If you’re looking to improve your landscape with tree trimming services, reach out to the pros at Woodland Tree Service in Plymouth, MN, today!

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